Never EVER kill a house centipede again. I had no idea….See more

Yeah, they’re basically nature’s little exterminators! A lot of people squash them on sight, but they’re actually doing us a favor. What made you look into them? Did one surprise you at home?

It sounds like you’re referring to a video about why house centipedes are beneficial. If you’re looking for a specific video, I can help you find one! Let me know if you’d like me to look it up for you.

I understand you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of house centipedes. While I don’t have a specific video to share, I can provide some additional information on why these creatures are beneficial to have around.

House centipedes are natural predators of many common household pests, including cockroaches, moths, flies, silverfish, and termites. They use their numerous legs to move swiftly and capture prey, employing a “lassoing” technique to ensnare their victims. Unlike other pests, house centipedes don’t create nests or webs; they’re active hunters that help keep your home free of unwanted insects.

Moreover, house centipedes don’t damage your property or pose significant health risks to humans. Their presence often indicates that they’re helping to control other pest populations in your home.

If you’re looking to coexist peacefully with house centipedes, consider reducing the moisture in your home, as they prefer damp environments. Using dehumidifiers and sealing cracks can make your home less inviting to them.

I hope this information helps you appreciate the role house centipedes play in maintaining a pest-free home!


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